The key here is the pyramid pan! This handy silicone rack was originally designed to drain fat away from foods during cooking. Flip it over and it is the perfect treat mold for training treats, 556 of them in fact. The batter should be thinned to pancake batter which makes it easy to fill all the holes.
The ingredients are simple and flexible. Like most baking what really matters are your ratios. I use one can of "something". This can be chicken baby food (check for onions!), liver, any meat, or canned fish. In a pinch I will use canned wet dog food. Be flexible here, you know what your dog likes. If you don't homemade treats are a great way to find out! Then just two eggs, oil, flour of your choice, and water. The special ingredient is... all of the herbs and spices you've got. Well, don't add onions as they are toxic I would also avoid any pepper. Dog smell in layers, the more layers the more interesting the treat.
This recipe was done with a full sized can of mackerel (15 oz) and wheat flour. Since I used the mackerel I needed my blender. If you use something like pate wet dog food or baby food you could mix by hand. There's no special method, I just dump it all in the blender and hit start. Add water as needed to make it the consistency of pancake batter. I then use a wooden spatula to smooth it all into each hole. It can be as neat as you want it to be. Overflow will also bake and turn into treats. Make sure to put a cookie sheet under your pyramid pan BEFORE pouring in the batter, trust me. |

- 1 cup whole wheat flour (reduce amounts for almond or coconut flour)
- 1 15 ounce can of mackerel, brine and all
- 2 eggs
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp Italian herb mix
- 1 tsp Ginger
Make some treats! Please ask any questions or share your recipes!